Sunday 6 May 2012

experiment 2: final submission

Structural planes mimic the aesthetics of its surrounding landscape to create a form that both harmonizes and antagonises its surroundings. The assembly of the structure and the nature that surrounds it, merge through filtered light and shadows created by those structural planes.

For my monument, I wanted to create the idea of a grand approach to the monument while it simultaneously hides and stands out amongst its surroundings. Therefore, I created a tunnel leading from a beach area into the waterfall area.


Axonometrics and Parallel Projection:

Google Warehouse Link:

Above is the link to my final google sketchup model.

Cryengine Level Files:

Above is the link to my level folder which is being kept on the gamefront/filefront server. It should be available for the next 180 days before being taken down. I was unable to upload all the files as zip folder would not be accepted (file size too large) so I copied all elements I used in my level and place those into this zip folder. It should load correctly.

Video Demonstration:

This is captured video footage from within the Cryengine Sandbox editor.

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